Nigerian Environmental Society (NES)
The Nigerian Environmental Society (NES) is a professional, non-profit, non-governmental body that is committed to advocacy and actions towards environmental protection, sustainable environmental development, and promotion of environmental professionalism within Nigeria and in the global arena. It is recognized as the premier environmental Society and watchdog of the environment in Nigeria.
NES operated over the years without a membership portal, and to properly serve a quickly-growing membership base, The Nigerian Environmental Society (NES) required a digitalized platform and a new self-service portal for its members to facilitate:
- Online registration of new members
- Distinct track records of applications
- Seamless onboarding of existing members
- Offline and Online Payment of Annual Dues
- Expert Search
- Donations
- Seamless access to the NES portal from its Official Website
The Portal would also feature easy-to-update member’s information and communication preferences.
The Nigerian Environmental Society (NES) acknowledged the need for an enhanced digital platform for their members; Maxfront Technologies Ltd. was pre-qualified to automate their membership process to enable the following NES mandate –
- Membership Recruitment
- Membership Retention, and
- Membership Expansion
In achieving these objectives, our project and engineering team set out to deliver on the brief; did requirement gathering, and developed the system and technology to handle the process. Each stage went through testing, after which we carried out training for members of the Society across chapters, and at the national level. We launched the first phase of the membership system, and members began to register.
Challenges we encountered
- Onboarding of new and existing members
- Onboarding of existing paid members
- Inconsistency of certificate numbering system
We worked with the NSE to formulate new numbering system, normalized the inconsistency, and implemented it into the membership solution to enable the platform to generate new numbering format for members across all the state chapters.
The system is up and running, driving membership across chapters within the country; achieving its objectives. The new digital Portal offers a seamless self-service experience for stakeholders, and the membership portal empowers members to gain access to the Portal from the NES Official Website, track records of applications, make donations, check Payment History and much more in a few minutes, in comparison to many hours spent previously.
Below is The NES Membership Portal features:
- Registration Management Sub-system
- Application Management Sub-system
- User Role Management Sub-system
- Work-flow Management Sub-system
- Notification Management Sub-system
- Document Management Sub-system
- System Configuration
- Find an Expert Management Sub-system
- NES-Enquiry Management System (NES-EMS)
- Donation Sub-system
- Learning Management System Aggregator (LIMSAA)
The newly automated NES membership portal is dynamic, with personalized experience. Members have access to distinct track records of applications, 24/7 Technical Issues, and Support, a robust membership profile set-up, well-made members’ dashboard. The Portal delivers a user-friendly experience to its members and allows search for information quicker. With the launch of the NES membership Portal, there has been a decrease in support calls, client satisfaction scores have improved due to enhanced usability and efficiency.

- Online registration of new members
- Distinct track records of applications
- Seamless onboarding of existing members
- Offline and Online Payment of Annual Dues
- Expert Search
- Donations
- Seamless access to the WAMASON portal from its Official Website
- Easy-to-update member’s information and communication preferences.
- Membership Recruitment
- Membership Retention, and
- Membership Expansion
- Onboarding of new and existing members
- Onboarding of existing paid members
- Inconsistency of certificate numbering system
- Inadequate documentation for Payment gateway
- Improved Efficiency
- All-in-one access to the organization’s data
- Increased Members Engagement
- Time saving Administrative processes
- Registration Management Sub-system
- Application Management Sub-system
- User Role Management Sub-system
- Work-flow Management Sub-system
- Notification Management Sub-system
- Document Management Sub-system
- Find an Expert Management Sub-system
- WAMASON-Enquiry Management System (WAMASON-EMS)
- Donation Sub-system
- Learning Management System Aggregator (LIMSAA)
- System Configuration

- cater for the welfare of members
- promote, enhance and encourage farmers both local and international
- promote and encourage farmers within and beyond the shores of Nigeria.
- Online registration of new members
- Distinct track records of applications
- Seamless onboarding of existing members
- Offline and Online Payment of Annual Dues
- Expert Search
- Donations
- Seamless access to the AFPA portal from its Official Website
- Membership Recruitment
- Membership Retention, and
- Membership Expansion
- Onboarding of new and existing members
- Onboarding of existing paid members
- Inconsistency of certificate numbering system
- Registration Management Sub-system
- Application Management Sub-system
- User Role Management Sub-system
- Work-flow Management Sub-system
- Notification Management Sub-system
- Document Management Sub-system
- System Configuration
- Find an Expert Management Sub-system
- AFPA-Enquiry Management System (AFPA-EMS)
- Donation Sub-system
- Learning Management System Aggregator (LIMSAA)